Lazybones me??

I was going to make some excuses. You know, I just got bit by a spidr, spent a few days in hospital getting pumped full of drugs, and then a few days on the couch waiting for my severely sliced open leg to heal…(Yay – gruesome me!) but then I realised I probably could have been sitting at the computer typing and gettting some words out of my head… ah but that couch was just soooo inviting… I haven’t written a word of fiction for 3 weeks now… Oh but I have the whole book written in my head…

Now that I am finally able to turn my computer on though, I find that wordpress is not working at all, and I am typing this with no visual!! That’s right, I can not see a word I am typing, so I am hoping that it is legible.. because here is my promise to myself… I will make no more excuses…

Now, if by chance this is not able to be saved, or is not legible… I wonder if my promise still stands as a promise… because I do rather like excuses…

~ by Alissa Anderton on January 18, 2010.

3 Responses to “Lazybones me??”

  1. um… eeek??

  2. Haha, too late now! I’ve seen it! =P
    Glad you are okay though, Lis and I have missed your blogs!

    • Ah ok! You’ve seen it, that means I had better go and do something about it instead of doing the dishes!! Haha…

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